"scare levels" in escape rooms

You've probably noticed that each of our reviews includes a "scare level" in the quick stats. But sometimes a number doesn't give a room's intensity or fear justice. Let's dive into what each "scare level" means real quick, and then you can get back to reading.


A scare level of 0/5, predictably, means that there's nothing remotely scary about the game, and virtually everyone should be able to handle it with no fear at all. Nothing about the story or content of the game is scary, and there will be no intense experiences.

Less than 1/5

These games might have a slightly surprising moment or two, but other than that, refer to 0/5.


Similarly to the first one, games with a 1/5 scare level are so light on fear that it's almost unnoticeable. Often rooms are rated 1/5 scare level due to their atmosphere being a bit more on the serious side. (Serious, not scary.) None of these games are designed to be scary.


In general, this is the level at which above it becomes not entirely family friendly. When you get to 2/5, the room will try to frighten you in some way. It's above your average not-scary room, but it's still probably family friendly and not very scary. However, the room designers likely do try to make a bit of a creepy atmosphere, or include intense moments. For example, almost all of 5 Wits's games are 2/5 on the scare level.


This is where games officially become rooted in the horror genre. Games with a 3/5 will be built to scare. This is often where jumpscares start to appear, if games have them. Almost all games this level and above are designed as spooky or horror games. However, they're not overtly scary. You probably won't be running out of these ones mid-game.


Games are firmly planted in the horror genre from here on out. These games will scare you, and are trying to scare you. Expect jumpscares a'plenty and a pretty damn terrifying environment. These games are unquestionably scary.


Nightmare fuel.

So there you have it! Now you know how intense games will be based on their scare level. Hopefully this clarifies some of the questions you had. See ya!